Bertie County students protest removal of football coach

Bertie County students protest removal of football coach

An outrageous event happened when some nearby lowers dressing students at one eastern North Carolina school were protesting the removal of their head football coach. 
Videos, recorded by th-e student, evoke scenes of the students at Bertie High School filling the halls in the protest against the termination of Coach Darrius Wesson. 
As said by Janice Ricks, the school spokesperson for Bertie County School, the students sided with Wesson and demonstrated their concerns to her and others used the chance of having class to come out with signs and record their grievances.  They argued that they had the right of doing this. 
The quote of Wesseon from the social media indicated that he was a Bertie High graduate. Wesson then continued in the post that he had just been hired as a head coach less than a year ago; yet, the achievements of his team were worthy of celebration as it was their first playoff trip in 16 years. 
When WESN informed that Wesson is still a school employee but specialized in career technical education. According to the helper superintendent, Mr.  White, Wesson was at the workplace, Tuesday. 
There is no information about who will transition to the position considering the position of the former head coach.